Pouco conhecido Fatos sobre vlogdolisboa.

жирным шрифтом выделены перевозчики, летающие и в Рио, и в Сан-Паулу, обычным — только в Сан-Паулу

Your culture is different to ours. We're not ready for all this in Brazil because no father would ever take pride in having a gay son. Pride? Happiness? Celebrating if his son turns out gay?

Se cumplen 10 años desde de que el dictador libio Muamar el Gadafi fuera detenido, linchado y ejecutado

Во время поездки в такси окна следует держать закрытыми.

El ministerio público concluye qual el ‘president’ no cometió prevaricación ni malversación porque el decreto aprobado por el Govern fue un “acto político”

Бразилия является одной из самых плодовитых стран Латинской Америки по производству телесериалов, уступая в этом отношении разве что Мексике. Достаточно вспомнить нашумевшие в свое время теленовелы «Рабыня Изаура» и «Клон», с успехом шедшие в российском прокате.

The views of an indigenous leader does not represent that of all the Brazilian indigenous population. Often some of these leaders, such as Cacique Raoni, are used as a ploy by foreign governments in their information warfare to advance their interests in the Amazon.

We must not forget that the world needs to be fed. France and Germany, jair bolsonaro formação for example, use more than 50% of their territories for agriculture, while Brazil only uses 8% of its land for food production. 61% of our territory is preserved! Our policy is zero tolerance for crime, including environmental crimes. I jair reiterate that any initiative to help or support the preservation of the Amazon rainforest, or other biomes, must be treated in full respect of Brazilian sovereignty.

Las movilizaciones por hace Destes añESTES en demanda por más derechos sociales fueron fuertemente reprimidas por los cuerpos do seguridad, y hubo una treintena do muertos y miles do heridos.

With humility and confidence in the liberating power of truth, let me reassure you that you will be able to count on this new Brazil that I represent. Thank you all for the grace and glory of God! Thank you very much.

If you want a baby so badly, why don’t you go and rent a woman’s belly? Don’t worry, soon homosexuals will be able to have a uterus implanted in them and then you can have a baby.

If by jair bolsonaro live chance he erred and it were proven, I regret it as a father, but he’ll have to pay the price for those actions we can’t accept.

Los arrendamientos de larga duración forman parte por los supuestos en los de que se permite incrementar la renta hasta un 10%, según el borrador do la norma

There is a lot of people in soccer that are favorable to a return because unemployment is knocking on clubs’ doors too.

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